When I began my time working with couples in the Birth Centre, I was intrigued as to why some couples would arrive in the birth room so relaxed and amazingly prepared. On enquiring I discovered that all of the couples had attended a Calmbirth Workshop. My curiosity then led me to the Calmbirth Association and there began my journey to become a Calmbirth Practitioner.
The path to become a Calmbirth Practitioner is detailed, lengthy and of a very high standard. Calmbirth began in NSW some 27 years by a dedicated male Midwife Peter. Peter wanted couples to have great births without fear and wanted to reduce medical intervention. I have been lucky enough to have hand many couples in my workshops who have had just that birth. I love at the end of my workshops when couples leave feeling really prepared, I can see how the 2 day workshops assist in the preparation. Teaching Calmbirth is so rewarding and I am passionate about helping couples having every opportunity to have the birth they really desire. My gallery of babies are just a few of the babies that are part of my Calmbirth family. So book a workshop today you are going to love Calmbirth.